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Raven's Portal 17.75 x 23_edited (1).jpg


Vancover Island BC artwork by Sherri Prevost.png
Vancover Island BC artwork by Sherri Prevost (1).png
Vancover Island BC artwork by Sherri Prevost (2).png
Vancover Island BC artwork by Sherri Prevost (3).png
Vancover Island BC artwork by Sherri Prevost (4).png
Vancover Island BC artwork by Sherri Prevost (5).png

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Sacred Connections 30x30 - flattened_edited.jpg

About Sherri

For me, art is a language of energy and emotion translated through color, form and often texture.  I paint in a way that expresses my emotion and connection to the subject, sometimes enhancing or exaggerating scenes to convey the inner electricity I feel. 

Experimenting with various painting styles and mediums is exciting to me.  So when I get ideas for a painting, there's an immediate adrenaline rush inside and I'm obsessed for days or weeks until I act on those ideas. 

Painting brings me joy!  I never stop learning and believe what Joseph Campbell said.... “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.”

Plum Trio.jpg

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